Polyester Neckties | Men's Ties

January 8, 2013
Let’s talk polyester. Polyester, the great silk lookalike, is an awesome necktie fabric that has a lot to offer. Considered cheap by some, modern technology has brought the creation of polyester unbelievably far; thus enabling polyester and polyester-blend ties to grace today’s most prestigious men’s shops and closets throughout the world.

These ties rival some of the classiest ties available today, yet are so versatile, they can be worn with any outfit requiring a necktie. And not only do poly ties look fabulous – their lifesaving conveniences make them worth their weight in gold for many.

Polyester fabric, no matter what its use, is made from crude oil; the same oil that fuels our vehicles, heats our homes, and creates the world of plastic we live in. Poly is not expensive to manufacture, so these ties are mass-produced, primarily in China, and normally have price tags to match. Some guys dislike the characteristics and feel of polyester ties, so many manufacturers produce polyester-blend ties, which are mixes of polyester and natural fabrics, like cotton and wool. Micro Fiber neckties are made from poly and polyamide materials, an all-manmade fabric that claims the same texture, feel, and quality as silk, with the added benefit of stain resistance. Remember, blends change the properties of polyester, and as a result, the tie’s qualities change as well – some for the better, some for the worse. Granted, it’s these reasons that make some guys opt out of wearing poly ties, but at the same time, these are the very reasons many don’t.

Polyester and polyester-blend ties have qualities most of us can appreciate and downright treasure, which explains their popularity. Many men can not decipher the difference between polyester and silk ties now that poly technology is so advanced; making that a good thing if you want the sophistication of a silk tie without the inconvenience. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of polyester ties, and you decide if there’s a place in your wardrobe for some.



  • Considered stain resistant, a poly tie can save the day (or date) should food or drink end up on it instead of in your mouth, making it the perfect “food” tie, since cleanup is a breeze. This is a definite plus!
  • Polyester is wrinkle resistant, so ties don’t look like they’ve been slept in by the end of the day. Not only will your boss think you’ve been working instead of napping; a wrinkle-less tie makes going straight from work to play much easier with less to worry about.
  • Colors and patterns are vivid and sharp, and retain their brilliance even after being cleaned.
  • Their life expectancy is very long provided they are taken care of properly. Polyester fabric is very durable and can withstand a lot of wear.
  • Polyester ties are much less expensive than a good quality silk tie. Actually, generally speaking, they’re the least expensive of all ties, and many decent ones can be found for under $10. I’ve seen countless poly ties in thrift stores selling for .50 cents or less that still look brand new.


  • Ok, the truth is polyester is not 100% stain resistant. However, I can’t think of any easier tie to clean, whether the cleaning is done immediately or days later. Still, the bad news is if it does stain, you’re out of luck – it’s stained forever.
  • Polyester does not breathe, which can make for a hot and sweaty neck. Although this may not seem like a big deal, since it only affects the neck, it can be if you perspire a lot.
  • Like stains, smells stay trapped in polyester ties. So, if sweat or any other disturbing odor haunts a poly tie, it’s probably best to toss it.
  • Polyester ties have been described as “plastic”. It’s this quality that gives these ties a stiffness that can cause knots to slip.
  • Never iron a polyester tie unless you’re doing a science experiment. Seriously, the tie will melt and be no more.


True, some of the downsides to polyester neckties explain why everyone not’s wearing them, but since they have some great, positive features, I recommend trying one on for size before eliminating them as a wardrobe possibility. Besides, you can buy one for cheap, so what do you have to lose?

by Aaron Marino

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