Keep Relationships Exciting and Fun

December 20, 2011
alpha_m_image_consultingRoutine is the enemy. Routine is the No. 1 cause of relationship demise. Relationship ruts should always be completely avoided. Routine, laziness, and boredom must be combated at every opportunity. So, we compiled a list of ways to keep your relationship fun, exciting, fresh and hot!
  1. Once a month alert – set your cell or computer for a ‘once a month’ romance date. On that respective date, do something romantic for your partner such as a lunch picnic in the park, a couple’s pedicure, or simply a rose with a nice bottle of wine.
  2. Remember important dates – remembering birthdays and anniversaries is not insignificant to women. Women are sentimental by nature – so even if it’s not a birthday or anniversary, giving surprises outside of special occasions can be an especially romantic gesture.
  3. Go on a date – sounds simple doesn’t it? Take your relationship back to the beginning when dates were new and exciting! Relive those dating moments and simply relish your time together. Once a week, forget the daily work and chores, and escape to a date like you did at the beginning of your relationship.
  4. Go on your first date again – plan the evening exactly as you did the first time. Wear the same perfume/cologne, same/similar clothing, same/similar restaurant. You can even drive separately and meet each other.
  5. Spend time alone – time is sparse and tight, but you cannot forget your partner. Make time for each other, even if it’s an hour on the front porch by candle-light after the kids go to bed or an hour for coffee.
  6. Look good don’t be a slob. Court your partner by looking your best, which includes, but not limited to: shaving daily, wearing nice clothing, and staying in shape.  Always look your best to make your partner happy and only have eyes for you.
  7. Scare yourselves – the adrenaline response correlates with sexual arousal, so why not get a rush together by sky diving, bungee jumping, or riding a giant coaster? If a scary movie is more up your alley, you can get a similar result in the comfort of your own dark living room.
  8. Gamble for affection – whether it’s the races or a casino, the decadence and excitement of the moment can add some zing to your relationship. And if you don’t want to use any cash, try playing strip poker in your living room after the kids go to bed. Or perhaps, visit the local pool hall and bet on whose turn it will be to give a back rub or massage feet.
  9. Truth or dare – next time the two of you go to a movie, hide in the last row of the theater and fool around. Dare ya! Also, dare each other to spill a secret truth about yourselves to bring back that feeling when you were first getting to know each other.
  10. Buy **better** gifts – show how much you care, but also be thoughtful and imaginative! And above all, do not buy the same gift all the time.
  11. Work out together – you not only feel good about yourself, but also stay attracted to each other.
  12. Redecorate – changing the decor erases boredom and dullness, and can give your relationship a thrust! Redecorating gives both people in the relationship a feeling of shared purpose.
  13. Take a trip – by taking a romantic excursion, your relationship can be invigorated. Getting away from the routine and chores of daily life can mix things up and be exciting, and at the same time get you relaxed and enjoying each other.
  14. Try something new for you – enhance yourself as not just a person, but a man, by taking on a new endeavor such as martial arts, culinary classes, or music lessons. By starting a new hobby, you have new elements to bring into the relationships.
  15. Try something new together – learning something new together (such as rollerblading or ballroom dancing) can reconnect the two of you as partners. Sharing the new experience together can bring you closer and develop a new interest that you share together.
  16. Couple’s massage – nothing like getting relaxed together in a soothing and refreshing environment. Calming music, the delicious aromas, and being carried away to a private world can all add a super spark to your bond.
  17. Lead the way – make a trail of rose petals to a candle-lit bedroom with chocolates, champagne and classical music waiting.
  18. Love letters – write an old-fashioned love letter for a powerful gesture.  Your partner can revisit the letter and get the emotional recharge immediately.
  19. Cook together – purchase a copy of Bon Appétit and make a day of shopping, prepping, cooking, and dining together. First, choose a recipe together. Then shop at unique places such as the farmer’s market and butcher shop instead of your ‘normal’ grocery store. Make the prep-and-cooking section romantic with nice wine and sensual music.
  20. Call your partner every day, take the time to call your partner. Even if you are busy, take the time to call and say a simple “hello, how are you doing?”
  21. Technology tools – send e-cards and text. Both are fast, handy and pretty much free! Send charming and humorous, or perhaps serious and passionate, or even sexy and erotic messages.
  22. Go the extra mile – help with dinner, run errands, do chores around the house. These small gestures show thoughtfulness and caring and mean the world to your partner.
  23. Compliment your partner – the value of a compliment is immeasurable. Encouraging your partner is priceless.
  24. Pet names – even if you don’t call your partner by a pet-name, at least speak kindly and respectfully.
  25. Bring challenges to the table – if your partner is aggravated, talk about it (no yelling!). Talk about how you feel and do not get defensive. Addressing challenges can make the relationship so much stronger.
  26. Ignore small stuff no person is perfect, so learn to let the little things slide. Change your thinking to what could YOU be doing to irritate your partner.
  27. Stay friends – enjoy each other, laugh, be playful and have fun. Staying friends is the key to an enduring and significant relationship.
  28. Hug, hold, and kiss – the human touch is powerful. Keep a connection of closeness with physical affection.
  29. Praise – think about the positive rather than the negatives and thank your partner. Instead of going with the train-of-thought about what your partner does not do, praise what your partner does do. Being appreciated makes a person want to do more – it’s motivating. Also, if you compliment your partner, their day will be brightened which will also affect you.
  30. Conversation – talk to your partner by sharing your day, use them as a sounding board and tell them about some juicy gossip.
  31. Listen – be the ear that your partner needs. Be receptive and patient, as you may have already heard the story or the joke, but being receptive is so kind to the one who is talking.
  32. Mind, body, and soul – take care of yourself, so you can take care of your partner. Being young in mind and spirit allows you to be zealous about life, and that enthusiasm translates into your relationship.


If the thought of trying all of these suggestions is too overwhelming, then select one or two and stick with them. Also, share the list with your partner, so that you can make plans to incorporate these ideas into your relationship. With determination, each tip will create a positive impact on your relationship.


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