The Paleo Diet

September 4, 2012
Today’s modern men don’t consider being compared to or acting like a caveman a compliment or positive comparison.  We have evolved into conscious men whose brains have developed way beyond the reptilian brain associated with our prehistoric ancestors, and we greatly appreciate the recognition we’ve been given, I might add. However, there may be an exception to this disassociation and it pertains to food.

The Paleo Diet, also known as the Caveman Diet, Stone Age Diet, or Hunter-Gatherer Diet is a current diet that mimics the way our stone-age relatives ate.  It’s a diet that brings us back to eating the basic foods nature intended us to eat, which many people, men and women alike, are experiencing incredible health benefits from, in addition to weight loss.  Eating the way our prehistoric ancestors ate, who were not victims of today’s diseases, is believed by advocates to be the answer to ultimate health.

Invented in the mid-1970s by the gastroenterologist (gut doctor), Dr. Walter L. Voegtlin, the Paleo Diet has become more of a lifestyle than short-term diet for many.  Based on a diet of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, the Paleo Diet eliminates all grains, legumes, dairy products, refined sugar, salt, and processed oils from the menu, which have proven to be very advantageous for overall health.  Reducing carbohydrate consumption to only those found in vegetables and fruit has remarkably positive effects on lipid profiles and other health markers for many participants.

Cholesterol and triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and glucose/insulin levels are the areas most dramatically impacted when one chooses to eat like a caveman.  Lipids, both good and bad cholesterol, plus triglycerides, tend to miraculously come into balance.  This response is possibly due to the claims newer research make – that lipids elevate due to carb or sugar intake, and not so much from consuming cholesterol from animal sources.  I’m not going to challenge science and its’ studies, but since there is plenty of animal fat in this diet, I have to think there may be something to the carb-lipid connection.

Blood pressure is also known to drop, as does glucose and insulin levels.  Blood pressure typically lowers to some degree with weight loss and salt restriction.  Speaking of salt, one concern, especially amount athletes, is the restriction of salt.  The diet’s theory is sufficient salt is found in the permitted foods, especially meat.  However, small amounts of sea salt can be used for those who have a need for more sodium.  Cardiovascular disease is also diminished from both lower carb intake and healthy fat consumption; two things this diet offers.

Eating fewer carbohydrates reduces the amount of sugar or glucose in the blood, which in turn reduces and promotes better utilization of insulin and can correct insulin resistance.  As a result, the threat of Type 2 Diabetes is greatly lessened.  All this can happen with or without weight loss, and in a short amount of time.  It’s amazing how quickly and effectively our bodies can get into balance when given the right support.

The diet has various levels of acceptable foods.  Some dieters don’t include fruit or root vegetables due to their higher carb loads, but some do.  Often, dieters exclude these foods in the early stages of dieting, but reintroduce them once health has improved.  Whether you exclude certain foods or not, today’s interpretation of the caveman diet offers the flexibility of customizing the diet to suit the individual’s needs within the basic guidelines.

Here’s a list of the Top 10 Paleo Super Foods recommended for all hunter-gatherer types, regardless of which foods are included in your diet:

  1. Nuts – Besides important minerals and other nutrients, nuts offer vitamin E and other critical fats.
  1. Salmon – This protein packed food is also packed with crucial omega 3 fats (DHA and EPA), carotenoids, and antioxidants.  Fish oil is especially important for brain, heart and eye health.
  1. Flax seeds – This tiny powerhouse gives us important omega 3 oils (different than salmon oil) that are extremely beneficial to many aspects of health: heart, eyes, skin, joint health, etc.
  1. Tomatoes – Lycopene, a component of the tomato that men are very familiar with because of it’s positive impact on prostate health; tomatoes also offer vitamin C, antioxidants, and carotenoids.  Fruit or vegetable, the tomato fights cancer and heart disease.
  1. Asparagus – The vegetable most popular for making urine smell funky, asparagus is loaded with antioxidants.
  1. Mushrooms – Certain varieties, shitake and portobello, contain nutrients that fight cancer, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation.  They also contain important B vitamins, selenium, and beta-glucans.
  1. Seaweeds – These amazing plants from the sea are super foods crammed with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, and the vitamins, A, B, E, and K.  Certain varieties are helpful in reducing insulin resistance, and improving blood sugar levels.
  1. Broccoli – Prized for its cancer fighting properties, this vegetable is packed with nutrients that protect arteries from clogging, detoxify the liver, fight inflammation, and whose fiber reduces cholesterol.
  1. Kale – This dark green leafy vegetable is considered the most powerful antioxidant food!  Belonging to the cabbage family, kale is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and beta-carotene, and has amazing cancer fighting capabilities.
  1. Carrots – Possibly your eyes’ best friend, carrots’ orange-red color make it one of nature’s most potent antioxidant; beneficial in fighting cancer and reducing heart disease.


These 10 Super Foods are considered by the Paleo Diet to be the most valuable; however, there are many more important foods that should be included in one’s daily diet, as well.

Of course, like everything else, there is controversy to the Paleo Diet, which some consider to be a fad diet.  The critics argue it’s not the choice of food that caused our ancestors to be so healthy, but reduced caloric consumption.  The caveman’s shorter life expectancy plays a big part in the argument, also, in addition to the accuracy of today’s interpretation of this ancient diet.  Does anyone honestly know what these prehistoric people ate during the Paleolithic period that lasted for 2.5 million years and ended 10,000 years ago?  Many authorities don’t think so, and they have a good point.  But, my point is this… if it works for you, don’t worry about what the authorities are saying.  Your blood work and how you feel should determine whether the Paleo Diet is a success or not.  There’s no getting around the fact that nature knows what’s best for us.  If this diet of healthy foods and clean eating gets your health into a preferred range, then I say go for it!

Whether the Paleo Diet is based on fact or fiction, there’s no way to deny its effectiveness and benefits for many of its’ consumers.  I know many people believe we need to include grain in our diet, in order for it to be well-rounded and ultimately healthy.  However, there are many who feel better and live healthier without the inclusion of grain in their diet.

I don’t know all the pros and cons science has come up with, but if your health is improved by not eating grain then follow your gut.  I’ve heard so many men say carbs from grains bloat them, rob them of energy, cause headaches and inflammation, spike and crash sugar, and add to indigestion, especially for those who are gluten intolerant.  I can relate to some of these issues, since high carb intake causes me to retain water, gain weight, and feel pretty miserable at times.

So, although I can’t say I am a Paleo dieter, I can say I believe this is a very safe and advantageous diet.  Checkout the diet’s website for more information:  We would love to hear from anyone who has experience eating like a caveman!

by Aaron Marino

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