New Year Resolution Tips

January 1, 2015
Happy New Year! If you’re reading this article, I trust you survived New Year’s Eve, which for many of us is quite an accomplishment, so congratulations! It’s hard to believe it’s 2016. Time is flying by in what seems like record speed, and before we know it, we’ll be talking summer garb, again.

But while the 1st of January is still upon us, and New Year resolutions are still fresh in our minds, let’s talk about ways to achieve “resolution success” this year. We all start out with noble intentions, yet far too often, determinations turn into disappointments as we lose focus and throw in the proverbial towel. Feelings of failure usually begin to catch up with us by the end of the month, but this year, gentlemen, I say… let’s make 2016 a winning year!

Sure, we always start a new year with lots of self-improvement enthusiasm and commitment, but somewhere along the line, motivation dwindles and things like cheesecake and comfortable sofas become our captors. If you find you fall victim to these temptations and more, consider trying the following tips, which, for so many, mean the difference between winning and not.

Resolution Tips

  1. New Year Resolutions do not have to be made and ready to execute on January 1st. Often, we’re too hungover from the night before to commit to anything other than never drinking again. Come on… I can’t be the only one who makes that resolution every year! I get the significance of beginning something new on the first day of a new year, but if you’re not ready to resolute just yet, it’s best to wait until you are. Of course, the sooner the better if you want it to be a New Year’s resolution.
  1. Give it some thought. Instead of haphazardly committing to any and every resolution you come up with, choose significant goals. Put some real thought into the “why” of things by recognizing a goal’s need and purpose. This gives meaning and value to a resolution; making it more obtainable.
  1. Be realistic. Instead of having a “to do” list the length of your arm, choose just a few things you want to change and then prioritize them. After prioritizing, decide which goals remain on the list and which need to go. You may find you end up with only one resolution, which is cool, since many professionals recommend making only one, in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed and defeated. The choice is yours, but keep in mind that success rates are much greater if you don’t over commit. More is not always better.
  1. Be specific with your goals. Instead of promising yourself to lose weight, put a realistic number to it. “I will lose 20 pounds in the next three months.” Or, “I will go to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” “I will get a haircut the last Saturday of every month.” You get the idea. By getting specific and working out the details in advance, there’s less opportunity to bend the rules and lose focus.
  1. Write resolutions and goals down on paper and keep them visible. Post-it notes are perfect for this purpose. Refrigerators, computer monitors, dashboards, work desks, closest doors, medicine cabinets, wherever – displaying a visual reminder will be beneficial in keeping you on task.
  1. Go public. Sharing our goals with someone else has a way of etching our plans in stone. It has a way of committing us and keeping us on track, which is actually easier than admitting defeat most days. As committed as I am to never using tobacco products again, I reaffirm my commitment every time I mention it publicly. It really does help, so shout it from the rooftop if you must!
  1. Try a group resolution. There is strength in numbers, so buddy up with friends or co-workers with similar goals and make it a group effort. Having someone who can relate, support, and motivate us during those inevitably challenging times has immeasurable benefit. There are some things we don’t have to do by ourselves; making this an opportune time to join forces. After all, gentlemen, misery really does love company!
  1. It’s okay to mess up. We’re only human, which pretty much says it all. We have lots of good days, but we also have days when there isn’t a disciplined cell in our bodies. So, as long as the weak moments are fewer than not, don’t waste energy on beating yourself up over a temporary setback. Acknowledge the situation, get in touch with your feelings and move on. Put energy into moving forward, instead of wasting it on the unchangeable past.
  1. Resolutions can be made any day of the year. Most of us have more than just one thing we’d like to change or improve. Overwhelming ourselves with too many resolutions at once can be counterproductive (see #3), so add goals throughout the year and work your way through the list one resolution at a time. It’s not just about achieving a goal, but the journey as well.
  1. Resolutions are not mandatory – they’re optional. There’s no law insisting we make New Year resolutions, so if joining the mass of optimistic pledges is not your thing, don’t sweat it… there’s always next year!


No matter what your 2016 goals are, I wish you happiness and success in all you do. Remember to be kind to yourself and reach for the stars. There is an amazing new year waiting to be had, and I’m excited and honored to be a part of it with you! Happy New Year, my brother!

by Aaron Marino

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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