Eliminate Acne and Treat Breakouts | Clearogen Acne Treatment

March 27, 2014
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Sephora Clearogen
How can you treat and eliminate acne? Living with moderate to severe acne hurts. Aaron Marino of alpha m. has suffered from acne and break-outs. It sucks and affects your confidence.

What do you think of when you hear the word “break-outs”? Teenagers and puberty, right? Testosterone rocks and rolls in your body, and with fluctuations, you get break-outs. 50% of adults suffer from break-outs and acne from hormone fluctuations and stress. Acne is not caused by bacteria like over-the-counter products claim. Acne is caused by the over-production of oil that causes pores. The bacteria THEN has something to feed on.

You can use all the creams, lotions, potions, and washes you want but until you get that oil production under control, you won’t have clear skin. Dihydrotestosteron (DHT) causes break-outs by attaching itself to oil glands and cause oil production over-drive. Pores get clogged and the bacteria is fed– boom, break-outs.

Accutane was a rock-star for treating and eliminating acne because it stopped oil production completely. But your body needs some oil. The product was taken off of the market. So what other product is on the market?

Clearogen is the product you should try. Alpha’s tried it and recommends it. The cost is around $39 for a month’s supply with a money back guarantee. Clearogen stops acne at the source by safely blocking the hormonal source of acne, DHT. If you don’t get Clearogen, go see a doctor.

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