I'm a Virgin | Let's Talk About Sex, Virginity, and Confidence

August 6, 2015
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So, the other day Alpha got an email from an 18 year old virgin whose confidence is being affected because he thinks that women aren’t going to be interested due to his lack of sexual experience.

Alpha issues a disclaimer that he’s not recommending premarital sex and not a sex or relationship expert. He just has had an applicable experience. 

Alpha tells his story about his virginity and how he first had sex which was uneventful and a disappointment. He regretted it because he wished it was with someone he cared about. He also talks about society, social media, and how sex is portrayed currently. He thinks that sex should not be shared casually. It’s special and should be shared with someone you love.

Your virginity is not something that you lose. It’s a gift you give away– and you can only give it away one time! You don’t need to worry about what others are doing or reporting on social media. Having sex doesn’t make you cool. Let it happen naturally. When it happens, it happens. In the meantime, build yourself to the best person you can. Sex can have lots of repercussions. And if someone doesn’t want to date you because you are a virgin or you want to remain a virgin, they aren’t worthy of your gift

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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