Dealing with Depression

February 20, 2014
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Depressing Depression
The reality is that we all feel emotionally down in the dumps from time to time. At some point in your life, you’ll feel sadness and it sucks. Sadness is part of human emotion, and it’s typically temporary. Sometimes the sadness and gloom persist, making you feel sad, angry, and possibly alone.

Aaron Marino of alpha m. discusses how depression can rob of us of our joy. He also covers some information about depression:

  • Research is pointing to that depression is actually a result of a chemical change in the brain.
  • Genetics play a huge role. Alpha’s family has depression dating back to his great grandmother. We didn’t have the tools to deal with depression symptoms or treatment like we do now.
  • You can also have depression from a traumatic event.
  • But sometimes depression can hit for no reason.
  • Depression can hit at any age.


The degrees of depression vary. Regardless of the type, it needs to be managed properly. There is a lot of stigma attached to depression but it’s an ILLNESS and it needs to be treated. There is no magic bullet to treat it. A trial-by-error method may be needed.

The first type of depression is situational depression (ie: break-up, loss of job, etc). These type of depression are typically short-lived in nature. As time passes, you feel better. Talk therapy may also be an optimal treatment (ie: friend, family member, therapist). Sometimes your brain needs more than talk therapy. In these cases, anti-depressants speed-up recovery.

Major depression can interfere with your ability to live (ie: can’t go to your job, can’t get out of bed). Chronic depression is a bit different because the person is completely functional, but they always seem pretty unhappy. The chemicals in the brain are imbalanced, and medication is needed. Anti-depressants with talk therapy (support) is a well-rounded approach.

Alpha uses and has used a therapist as an amazing tool. The therapist is unbiased. They help you feel better about yourself without blowing smoke up your ass. Finding a good therapist is trial-by-error too, but once you find one, you’ll know it. Some of the most well-rounded folks use a therapist.

Undiagnosed depression is sometimes treated by self-medicating to numb the emotional pain. Using alcohol or illegal drugs can make the depression worse– not to mention, this is dangerous. Get to the root or bottom of the issue as better options are available.

Depression sucks. It’s okay to be upset, disappointed, and bummed out but when these episodes become excessive, get help. Read Alpha’s article about depression below. Depression can be treated and taken care of. Take the first step to get that help that’s out there. You are way too special and important. You have big things to accomplish but you can’t accomplish any of them if you feel like crap. Go do what you need to do.

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