The Power of Tea Tree Oil

June 20, 2013
One of nature’s greatest treasures, Tea Tree Oil, native to Australia, has made its way from “down under” to every corner of the globe and for good reason – it’s amazing stuff! So, what is tea tree oil and what does it do that makes it so incredible? Read on to discover why so many men, worldwide, have a bottle of this miracle oil in their medicinal arsenal.

Derived from the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree, tea tree oil is an essential oil that’s been extracted from the tree’s leaves. These leaves have been recognized and utilized by Australian Aboriginals for centuries because of their medicinal properties. Excellent for healing skin infections, rashes, cuts, and burns, the tea tree leaf, which got its name from being used as a substitute for tea by the locals, is loaded with antimicrobial “terpenoids”, which are naturally occurring organic chemicals found in all plants. Terpenoids are responsible for an essential oils’ aroma and healing properties, and make tea tree oil effective as an antifungal and antiseptic agent… which means good things for those suffering with fungal or topical bacterial infections.

A small amount of this oil goes a long way, which is one reason it’s typically sold in small bottles, as all essential oils are. It can be used straight up or diluted with a carrier/base oil (cold pressed vegetable oil), like almond, jojoba, apricot kernel, and avocado. Diluting tea tree oil helps avoid possible skin irritations that can occur if used full strength, plus it makes it last longer. And like all other essential oils, it never goes rancid, which means its integrity is never lost, no matter how old or long you have it.

Although tea tree tea is considered safe to drink, tea tree oil should never be ingested. The active components (terpenoids) within the oil are concentrated compared to levels in the tea or whole leaf, and can cause adverse reactions if swallowed. Vomiting, diarrhea, suppressed immune system, and even coma can occur, so take the warning seriously and never use it internally. Amounts of oil present in products like toothpaste and mouthwash are at very low levels; making the products safe to use.

Common Tea Tree Oil Uses

  • Athlete’s Foot – Studies prove effective with two daily applications for 4 weeks. Do not dilute below 25% (25% tea tree oil/75% carrier oil).
  • Dandruff – You can add it to your shampoo, but it’s safest to use commercial brands of tea tree shampoo, which will have appropriate amounts added. Again, 4 weeks should show significant improvements in dandruff.
  • Acne – A three month trial was done comparing 5% tea tree oil gel against 5% benzoyl peroxide for its effectiveness against mild to moderate acne. Although the benzoyl peroxide was more effective and faster acting than the tea tree gel, the gel resulted in a significant reduction in acne and inflammation, and showed fewer side effects, like irritation, burning, and itching than the peroxide.
  • Toenail Fungus – Multiple studies concluded that two daily applications of full strength, 100% tea tree oil was as effective as the antifungal agent, clotrimazole 1% after 6 months. Eradicating nail fungus is a lengthy challenge, so be patient.
  • Eczema, Psoriasis and Other Skin Rashes – Tea tree oil is very effective in healing most skin conditions, including boils and warts. Some also report positive results with herpes outbreaks. Tea tree oil can be added to skin lotions and moisturizers, bathwater, or applied full strength directly to the skin. If irritation occurs from full strength tea tree oil – dilute it.  If irritation continues after dilution, discontinue tea tree oil use. There are commercially prepared therapeutic skin creams and gels available, which can be found online and in most health food stores.
  • Gum Disease – More studies prove the antibiotic effects of tea tree oil against gingivitis when brushed with twice a day. Thrush, a fungal infection that typically presents with a white tongue, also responds well to tea tree oil. The use of commercial toothpastes and gargles ensure safety in the event of accidental swallowing.
  • Bug Bites – Reduce inflammation and itch from spider, mosquito, and other insect bites with tea tree oil applied directly to the bite. The antiseptic properties of this oil will help reduce the chance of infection that often occurs from scratching. Got lice? Not if you use tea tree oil!


And the list goes on… from ear infections to ringworm, nature’s amazing tea tree oil is gaining popularity and recognition as a safe, holistic multitasker that performs better than many medications, without the serious side effects often seen with pharmaceuticals. Choose 100% tea tree oil from Australia for the best results and experience the power of nature!

by Aaron Marino

Want to try tree oil? Pete and Pedro Clean and Condition boast the benefits of tea tree oil. Get both with the Pete and Pedro Combo Pack

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